Most frequent questions and answers
It takes 5-7 working days for delivery after payment is received.
PaymenWe use online shipping method by Shiprocket, which reduces shipping cost and increase reach to 29000 serviceable pin codes in India.t can be made using Debit card, Credit card, Net banking, Paytm, BHIM, UPI.
Payment can be made using Debit card, Credit card, Net banking, Paytm, BHIM, UPI.
All 3d Printers have 1year standard manufacturer warranty. If you have any issue related to the
manufacturing defect on receiving the product, kindly contact us immediately or write us on
support@shapetool3d.in We will help you to solve your problem as soon as possible.
There are no warranty on 3d printer accessories and consumables.
There are no warranty on 3d printer accessories and consumables.
We will give you the best discounted price for bulk order, please contact us on info@shapetool3d.in